A New Journey Begins
Senior School

Mrs Cruse (Head of Years 7 and 8)

It has been lovely to welcome the Year 7s this week and see them settle into life in the Senior School so quickly. They are smiling as they walk around school and have started lessons with such enthusiasm. The week started with them receiving their iPads and getting stuck into House Drama. The laughter and fun they had working with our Lower Sixth Students was an absolute delight to hear and I know they are very much looking forward to all the rehearsals.

For my welcome assembly I drew inspiration from Charlie Mackesy’s book The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse along with James Norbury’s Book Big Panda and Tiny Dragon.  I spoke about our expectations of being kind, always trying your best and it does not matter if things do not go right.  In the words of Norbury’s Big Panda ‘If you don’t try…. you’ll never know if you can fly.’ And the words of Mackesy’s Horse: ‘Asking for help isn’t giving up…… It’s refusing to give up.’

We are very excited about our seaside trip to Wells on Wednesday 14th September. We also look forward to sharing our news with you as the year progresses.

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A New Journey Begins