Classroom Designers
Junior School

Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)

6I arrived in their classroom on Monday morning bright eyed and excited to start their journey in Year 6. However, they were met with a very confusing sight… all the furniture in the room had been piled up in the middle so there was nowhere to sit or put anything! There were a lot of strange glances around and general confusion amongst the girls wondering what on earth was going on.

It turned out that there was a plan behind the chaos – the first task the class had to complete was to design their own learning space! We discussed as a class the strategy we were going to use to solve this problem.  It was decided to spend some time exploring the space and then work in small groups to come up with some ideas.

A class debate followed where we looked at everyone’s ideas and tried to come up with a consensus of opinion. We then had to work our magic to put the plan in place. It wasn’t all easy though as we soon discovered that some of our original ideas didn’t quite fit so we had to adapt our plans as we went.

Overall, we are very happy with how our classroom turned out and we are looking forward to our year ahead in our learning space!

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Classroom Designers