Our students were delighted to return to the lacrosse pitches last Sunday for the annual Berko 10s tournament.
We hope you enjoy reading the following reports by Mrs Greenwood (Lacrosse Coach).
U19 A Team
A new year always means a new team of individuals who need to find their place in a puzzle. The first tournament is always our starting point, letting new and old mesh together.
Saturday saw a range of competition difficulty and our team, as always, was up for it. While scores were not officially kept, there was a mix of results or BGS. The first three matches were difficult but each proved a chance to make progress and learn each other's style little by little.
The first goal of the tournament came in our second match, against Queen Anne's School, from Milly James (Year 11), also her first of being on the senior team. Scarlet Stokes (Upper Sixth) made an impact as a scorer in the Caterham match. From that point on BGS stepped on the gas. The next games were close, staying within one goal, after a strong performance and three different scorers in the Wycombe Abbey, a notoriously difficult team.
Our Year 11s began to find their feet, each scoring or assisting while Maya Lakhan showed poise at the draw, disrupting one of the best draw takers in the country. The St. Albans match saw our Year 12s and 13s take the lead with great defensive plays from Amy Kneller and Tash Pennington. The final match against Claremont was the culmination of all the hard work with a big win of 6-1. So much learning took place on our first senior match of the year. We have incredible potential, so watch this space!
U19 B Team
This friendly tournament is designed as a season opener to enable players and coaches to see skills, who works well together and a chance to get lots of competitive match play.
We started with a 2-1 win over St Albans High. We then played a relatively inexperienced Caterham side so we were able to try different combinations and skills. Winning 6-0. Berkhamsted 3rds were skillful and we won 5-2. Haberdashers made a more determined start and we went down 2-0. The team rallied and worked together to win 4-2.
Our final game was the strongest of the day and we were starting to tire. The opposition had strong stick skills and pushed us all the way in our 4-3 win. Often the first few senior games can be tough as the Year 11 and Sixth Form players bond, but this U19B team had a fantastic day of lacrosse and were an absolute pleasure to coach.