Following a challenging video-audition during the summer, Jasmine Noor, then Year 8, was over the moon to be selected for the U13 National Youth String Orchestra.
National Youth String Orchestra is one of the UK’s most prestigious and important training organisations for string players up to the age of 21. Only 8-12 young people from across the UK are picked for each orchestra section. The one-week residencies in the Easter and Summer holidays were filled with rehearsals, activities and plenty of time to socialise and hang out together. The course ended with a grand concert in Stamford.
Jasmine said: “The best part was to meet other teenagers who play an instrument at a high standard, and to be part of the sound of a big orchestra.”
Mr Keating-Roberts (Director of Music) said: “This is a great achievement for Jasmine and places her amongst the top few young string players in the UK. This is a testament not only to Jasmine’s talent and commitment but also to the learning environment at BGS, which nurtures our students’ skills and talents and offers them the opportunity to shine and enjoy these high-profile projects.”