Chemical Curiosities!
Senior School Science

Dr Clewlow (Chemistry Teacher) and Mrs Everest (Senior Science Technician)

It is fantastic to see students and staff engaged in our many fun and immersive co-curricular clubs during this Autumn Term. This week we are focusing on the Chemical Curiosities!

This is a club all about having practical fun! Carrying out experiments and exploring unusual phenomena. Sometimes the substances used can be found at home whilst other experiments involve more specialised chemicals or equipment.

Do you have to be a super scientist to come along? NO as it is all about having a great time and in so doing laboratory skills along with your understanding of Chemistry will develop. We also like to link different clubs together where possible and the Horticulture Club have grown some pumpkins for Halloween – so we will make them puke in Chemical Curiosities!

Watch out for more seasonal activities such as coloured flames, snowflake growing and Christmas trees!

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Chemical Curiosities!