By Mrs Howard (Year 6 Teacher)
On Friday 18th November, Year 6 received a very exciting visitor who came to talk about urban art, accompanied by his superb assistant Jenna Ritsema.
Ciaran Robinson – a local artist, who goes by the name Lhouette – brought three pieces of his artwork to show and discuss. His most famous piece Knight Nurse was made during the Covid-19 pandemic and sold with all proceeds going to UNICEF. This visit followed a Unit of Inquiry studied by Year 6, where they were investigating how societal issues could be expressed through visual arts, with a particular focus on graffiti – you can see why Lhouette’s work was so inspiring right?
A pupil in the year group, Millie Middleton – and her family, were familiar with the artist and the causes that inspire his work. “It was amazing looking at the different pieces of art and getting told about the steps of creating them!” said Millie (6H).
Lhouette talked about everything from his inspiration, process, materials and the whole team he has helping him put the works together. We particularly liked hearing from a professional about stencilling, which is more challenging than it looks.
“It was a great adventure, looking at beautiful masterpieces'' said Ella (6I). The visit and his work even caught the eye of the A Level students who popped their heads into the Assembly Hall with their teachers to ask some great questions and view the work. This was a visit lots of us will remember for a long time! Chloe (6I) said: “It was a great experience taking the time to look at these amazing creations and will be remembered.”
View photos from the visit here.