Role Models
Junior School

By Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)

The Junior School Leadership Group (JSLG) provides a platform for our Year 6 students to have a real impact in the school and the wider community. Within the group are various roles and responsibilities, ranging from house representations to Eco, Diversity and Inclusion and Well-being representatives and more. Girls are voted in by their teachers, following an application process, and hold the roles for the duration of the academic year.

In addition to these roles and responsibilities, we also find time to collaborate on different events. Our first combined event this year has been preparing for the festive season in the form of the Christmas Decorating Party. We have also been busy this week helping out behind the scenes as stage hands for the Year 3 Christmas Production.  In addition, we have been busy planning a variety of festive activities for Junior School students to take part in next week.

Izzy Macey White (6H) said: “I feel happy being on the JSLG because I can help people and organise events that I know everyone will enjoy.”

Evie Laidlaw-Hansen (6H) added: “I like having responsibility as it helps me with growing up and prepares me for the bigger challenges ahead in the Senior School.”

Winnie Barker said: “I like being on the JSLG as I like helping out in the Junior School and having responsibility and gives me the opportunity to be caring towards the younger students.”

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Role Models