There are still some limited tickets left for our exciting upcoming production of, The Company of Wolves.
The Company of Wolves is the second of a trio of wolf stories in Angela Carter’s 1979 short-story collection The Bloody Chamber. It is also arguably the most controversial. The story is divided into two sections: a prefatory passage which discusses lycanthropy or werewolves, and the main story which is a version of the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale.
The Company of Wolves, like all of Carter’s stories in The Bloody Chamber, is richly layered in symbolism and narrative texture - an ideally challenging and enriching text for students to explore and stage.
Mr Stratton (Director of Dance and Drama) said: “Our cast of Years 9 and 10 students have approached this project with professionalism and enthusiasm; working hard in rehearsals to create an ambitious and visual retelling of this renowned adaptation."
Book your tickets here.
Please note that this production is not suitable for anyone under the age of thirteen. 2023 Performance dates and times: the 23rd February, 7:00pm, 24th February, 7:00pm and 25th February, 2:00pm in the BGS Studio Theatre.