By Mrs Lang (Drama Teacher)
The Drama Department and Year 6 escaped BGS to enter a world of 'pure imagination' this Tuesday 21st February, when they visited Milton Keynes Theatre to watch Charlie and The Chocolate Factory; The Musical.
It was so exciting to be able to watch live theatre together again, after the pandemic restrictions limited our opportunities to visit the theatre for so long. Based on the much-loved classic by Roald Dahl, the show was colourful and exciting, and the staging of the production was superb. The whole audience was captivated by the quirky songs and set changes.
MK Theatre staff praised the students for their excellent behaviour and good manners. Well done, Year 6, you were excellent ambassadors for our school, and we can't wait to see more shows with you in the future. View a photo from the trip here.
Year 6 reflected on the production:
Mimi (6BR): “I thought it was a really good musical. It was slightly different from the book, however, it helped me to understand the book more.”
Winnie (6I): “It was a great experience – it was a very joyful and happy performance that made us all smile.”
Hattie (6I): “It was an amazing trip. The set design was really great as it moved and changed. The best part was when Augustus Gloop got sucked up the giant tube!”
Isabelle (6I): “I thought it was great that Charlie’s mum used sign language when she spoke or sung so that the performance was understandable for everyone.”
Jemima (6H): “The theatre trip was a very fun experience; the whole play was amazing and sitting there watching it felt like we were in the story.”
Sara (6H): “I enjoyed it when Charlie and Willy Wonka were flying, but the Oompa Loompas were supposed to be orange! They were robots in this play.”