By Miss Coote (Student Voice Coordinator) and Mrs Whomsley (Junior School Eco Coordinator)
This week, our Student Voice and Eco reps have been busy organising our Junior School book swap to encourage pupils to share their favourite books with each other whilst promoting the sustainability benefits of sharing pre-loved books.
We were overwhelmed with the volume of books being swapped and the excitement it created about reading. The book exchange has also extended to the staff, with books brought and swapped as part of the World Book Day celebrations.
It was fantastic to see the collaboration between the Reps from different clubs to take action together for the benefit of other pupils in the Junior School and, as teachers, we have been impressed with their organisation of the whole event.
Lottie Tillison and Jessica Holland (Year 5) said: “When we were planning the book swap we were great communicators because we had to plan a whole assembly and it was so much fun. When the assembly took place, we all had an amazing time telling everyone about the book swap. When the book swap happened, it was in 5W and it took place for two days. Every girl that gave in a book could swap it out for a different one. It was an excellent experience for all the girls and they loved it!”