By Mrs Thomas (Year 3 Teacher)
As an exciting start to our learning into our Central Idea, An investigation into how Buildings and structures are designed, Year 3 had a very informative and inspiring walk all along the Embankment area of Bedford last Friday afternoon. The pupils were tasked with the mission of being detectives; to look around for interesting buildings and structures and look carefully to see what materials they thought were used and why. They were also tasked with observing any changes in the building materials used and also to consider what the purpose of the building was.
Using their iPads, to record their ideas, they gathered evidence and took photos of the buildings and structures they thought were significant. It was fascinating to see so many different building styles and ages in a small area and to have the opportunity to think about when each was built, what material was used and why and to also consider the purpose of the structure.
Their next challenge has been to dig a little deeper to extend and challenge their thinking by studying all of the photos taken and then to organise them into time order and to annotate each with the building materials used.
Sakinah (3T) said: "I found our walk around Bedford very interesting. I liked finding out about all of the different buildings and structures. Each building and structure had its own unique story. I particularly loved exploring what was left of Bedford Castle."
Eleanor (3A) said: "It was an interesting experience as we got to find out the materials used to make the structures and buildings in Bedford."
We are looking forward to investigating further how Bedford has changed over time when we visit the Higgins Museum next Friday.