Mrs McPhail (Geography Teacher)
Last Friday during our last lesson of the day the IB geographers did some local fieldwork. Exiting promptly at 3pm we had a full hour with which to conduct surveys and get to grips with the ARCGIS geospatial data collecting app called Survey123. It is a powerful tool for collecting data and creating maps, and we used it to great effect during the trip.
We were able to collect data following a circular route up the High Street and back via the Riverside development. At various points in the town centre the students used their smartphones to access the app and record their observations.
Throughout the trip, the students showed great enthusiasm and interest in the subject matter. They were eager to learn about the geography of Bedford, and engaged in meaningful discussions about the different features they observed.
They learned about the importance of data collection and mapping in geography, and they gained a deeper appreciation for the local landscape.
Increasingly students will be expected to have knowledge of geographical information systems (GIS) and they can use these skills as they embark on their IAs and Extended Essays and certainly useful post BGS.
As a reward for an intensive fieldwork hour, doughnuts from the iconic Mrs Lina Ognissanti known as "The Dinky Donut Lady" were consumed. A memorable hour had by all.
Emily Pinkney (Lower Sixth) said: “I thought it was extremely insightful and it gave me a chance to use the Survey 123 app developing key geographical skills.”
Izzy Harrison (Lower Sixth) added: “It was good to learn about things that I walk past on a regular basis and often overlook.”
Alexandra Gentry (Lower Sixth) said: “It was useful to put geographical skills into practice that we hadn’t had the chance to use during Covid.”