By Mrs Smart (Head of Science)
Since September, Year 11 students Scarlett Jenkins, Keya Bhadeka and Ankita Somisetty have been working on the Cosmic Mining Stellar Research Project through the Institute for Research in Schools (IRIS).
The students have been analysing data to find stars forming and fading in our galaxy and beyond to help scientists to uncover the history of our Universe. The project involves analysing infrared spectra from the Spitzer telescope to try and find interesting objects for scientists to point the James Webb telescope towards. So far, the James Webb telescope has gone further back in space and time than any other telescope and is making exciting new discoveries all the time.
Students must complete four different training exercises, the final one of which comprises 50 objects and is assessed by the scientists co-ordinating the research, before being allowed access to previously unseen data. Scarlett, Keya and Ankita did fantastically well on their first attempt and now have a set of unseen data from the Galactic Plane to analyse.
We are really hoping to find something new and exciting and potentially get our names on the catalogue as contributors.