By Mr Castro (Head of Swimming)
We are incredibly proud of rising swimming star, Eloise Cole (Year 10), who put in outstanding performances in the pool at the British Swimming Championships 2023 (4th - 9th April 2023).
A flagship event on the British Swimming domestic calendar, the competition saw the very best swimmers across the UK vying for podium places at Ponds Forge, Sheffield. Eloise qualified for the 50m and 100m butterfly heats after achieving the single qualifying times in recent domestic competitions.
In the 50m butterfly heats, Eloise swam her third fastest ever time, qualifying 6th for the Junior Final. In the final she finished 6th in a joint personal best time, which equals her own Bedfordshire ASA record. This was an extremely close final and she swam the fastest time of any 15-year-old.
In the 100m butterfly heats, Eloise swam her second fastest ever time and was very close to her PB in the 100 Fly. Although she didn’t make the final, Eloise was the third fastest 15-year-old.
Over the holidays Eloise also received confirmation that she has been selected to represent the English Schools’ Swimming Association (ESSA) at the International School Sport Federation U15 School Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in August 2023.