Photo - 2022 Exhibition
By Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
Last week, we proudly launched the Primary Years Programme (PYP) Exhibition 2023 in Year 6, an exceptional event that marks the culmination of the PYP Programme. This exhibition serves as a momentous celebration, allowing students to reflect upon their journey through the Junior School while showcasing their key learning skills.
The focus of the Exhibition is around our Central Idea, Global citizens take action for the future of our planet. Groups had to choose a global issue that they feel passionately about and then plan three Lines of Inquiry (big questions) which will form the basis of their Exhibition. The work produced not only consists of written work that has been carefully researched but also includes interpretation of data, art and design technology work, feedback on interviews with people and the most important aspect – the student’s ability to talk confidently and in depth about their subject with visitors to the Exhibition.
The collaborative journey the girls go on whilst preparing for the Exhibition is as important as the final Exhibition product – the skills they start to develop at this time will help equip them for their future education and beyond. The variety of issues chosen by the groups is vast, encompassing pressing matters such deforestation, gender equality, poverty, ocean pollution, endangered animals, LGBTQ+ rights, child labour and racism.
Xanthe (Year 6) said: “I am really looking forward to seeing how far our learning about discrimination will take us.”
Avni (Year 6) added: “I’m looking forward to celebrating the end of my Junior School journey and working hard as a group to get the final exhibition ready.”