By Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)
On Friday 19th May, Year 4 ventured down to the river in search of Bedford’s Hydro Power Facility, to gain valuable first-hand knowledge about renewable energy and its application in their local community.
The girls were enthusiastic and enjoyed observing how the facility operates. Although the Archimedean screws weren't functioning that day, they still learned a lot about this renewable energy source and made connections with their classroom learning.
The facility's two large Archimedean screws are typically in motion as water flows through them, generating hydroelectric power. The girls were fascinated by this mechanism and its ability to produce energy. They also discovered that the energy generated by the facility powers the various multi-colored lights along the embankment. This demonstrates the sustainability of the hydroelectric power source.
Jessica Deverill (Year 4) said: “I had no idea that the river had a hydro-electric machine, so it was great to learn all about it!”
Harriet Woolley (Year 4) said: “I learned that the screw twists round and round which makes lots of energy.”
Claudia Guri (Year 4) said: “When fish swim towards the screw they could survive because it is designed to work without harming wildlife.”