A Page Turning Event
Junior School

Ms Rogers (Learning and Resources Manager)

On Thursday 8th June, BGS organised a Year 6 transition activity morning. These mornings aim to provide students with the chance to collaborate with our Senior School Year 7 students. This event centred around the Yoto Illustration Shadowers Medal, a yearly competition for the best children’s illustrated picture book.

In the run-up to the morning, Years 6 and 7 students examined the six Yoto shortlisted picture books, supported by their teachers, form tutors and our amazing Junior School House Captain, Amy Sturt.

Amy, supported by her Prefects, were outstanding in their dedication to supporting the event and ran drop-in lunch sessions. Our Year 6 students benefited from our Sixth Formers knowledge and enthusiasm.

During the day, the Years 6 and 7 pupils were placed into mixed groups, and discussed the merits of each publication. Between titles the students had a related activity focused on the various themes depicted in each book. Subjects included disability, cultural identity and the history of the Titanic. Activities included making an origami house, re-imagining a fairy-tale and planning a Friday night dinner.

Ayesha Bacon (Year 7) said: “I really enjoyed the Yoto book morning. It was fun working with other students in my year group and in Year 6. One of the books focused on the importance of sign language and we were fortunate enough to try signing our names. We also tried to crack a Morse Code relating to the book Rescuing Titanic. It was really complex as there were so many dots and dashes.”

The morning concluded with a chance for students to cast their votes for their favourite title, culminating in a tightly contested competition. Ultimately, a unanimous decision was reached as BGS declared both Raising the Titanic and The Comet as joint winners.

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A Page Turning Event