By Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)
On Tuesday, Year 4 girls were thrilled to welcome Mr Richbell, Dispute Avoidance and Resolution Solicitor, BGS School Governor, Daddy to Florence, into school to share his experience and expertise regarding Conflict and how to communicate in difficult situations.
Our learning this half term focuses on conflicts both local and global, so Mr Richbell used stories of real life scenarios to demonstrate the different ways of helping people or companies reach agreements or avoid conflicts. Many of the girls took notes, others listened carefully, and asked questions at the end related to their learning.
Florence (4C) said: “It was really interesting to hear what Mr Richbell does for his job, and I learned how important communication is.”
Year 4 would like to send a big thank you to Mr Richbell for giving up his time to enrich the girls’ learning.