Amidst the glorious sunshine, we have enjoyed celebrating some recent birthday milestones with our alumnae community!
The celebrations commenced with a delightful gathering on Friday morning (23rd June) as the members of the Dame Alice Harpur School Class of 1971 embarked on a weekend filled with festivities to honour their 70th birthdays. The group visited the Sensory Garden, relishing the company of old friends while savouring morning coffee and birthday cakes. The group also enjoyed catching up and looking over old photographs, school books and the accomplished needlework creations from their days at school.
And, on Saturday 24th June, it was time for the Bedford High School Class of 1981 to celebrate their 60th birthdays. Commencing the day with a tour of the former Bedford High School site before crossing the river to BGS, where they were treated to a delicious afternoon tea in the Sixth Form Gardens, accompanied by celebratory bubbles. The occasion provided an opportunity for the group to also reconnect with their former PE teacher, Mrs Bullerwell, whose presence added to the heartening atmosphere of the day.
It is always a pleasure to welcome our alumnae community into school and please get in touch with The Alumnae Office if we can help you arrange a celebration for your year group [email protected] . To view The Alumnae programme of events for the upcoming year, click here.
View photos from the celebrations here.