By Mr Stratton (Director of Drama and Dance)
This year, we have the great pleasure to host the ACT! festival, aptly named for 2023 as ACT!'23.
The festival brings together students from local schools who are tasked with responding to a set stimulus and devising an original piece of theatre. On Monday 25th September, BGS hosted a workshop, which was facilitated by visiting professional, Hannah Conway. The workshop was attended by students from our school, Bedford Modern School and Lincroft Academy and involved all students collaborating, learning new devising techniques and creating concepts for their own performance.
It was a brilliant day and fantastic to see our students working with their peers from local schools - each student group thrived in the experience. Each group now has a period of rehearsal to develop their own performance, overseen by a directing teacher from each school, which will then be sewn together and presented on one night of fantastic theatre.
The ACT!'23 performance will take place on Monday 20th November 2023 in the Randle Hall. Tickets and further details will be released in due course.