We had a super evening last Thursday (28th September) for the second in our Alumnae Speaker Series.
We were delighted to welcome Psychologist and Executive Coach, Kate Lanz (BHS 1982), to discuss the theme of her book, All the Brains in the Business: The Engendered Brain in the 21st Century Organisation (The Neuroscience of Business).
Kate provided a fascinating insight into the workings of the human brain in relation to gender difference, not gender equality. Day to day Kate works with many leaders on everyday challenges and her work is renowned for taking brain-based thinking to the next level. Kate highlighted that everyone is emotional before they are rational and that a diverse range of brains in any organisation is key for it to thrive.
The evening finished with many questions from the floor; the audience buzzing with energy and interest from an enjoyable shared learning experience.
We look forward to continuing the Alumnae Speaker Series into 2024 and welcoming back a variety of interesting speakers into school.