By Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)
In our school's vibrant STEM club, young minds have been busy delving into the realms of scientific inquiry over the past two weeks. With a focus on making connections between their educational journey and future careers, our Junior STEM club has embarked on a thrilling adventure, honing their skills as budding scientific researchers.
The journey commenced with a deep dive into the fundamentals of scientific exploration, emphasising Observation, Questioning, and Hypothesising. In the initial week, each participant selected an item from the science room that piqued their curiosity. Armed with magnifying glasses, curiosity, and boundless imagination, they began their scientific journey.
The girls observed their chosen items, identifying key components that held the secrets to their mysteries. Their inquisitive minds provided questions, setting the stage for discovery. With questions in hand, our young scientists ventured into the realm of hypothesis. They formulated educated guesses, fuelling their anticipation of the revelations to come. The science room buzzed with excitement as hypotheses ranged from the probable to the fantastical, highlighting the boundless potential of youthful imagination.
This week, the scientific exploration reached its peak as the girls transformed into experiment designers. Armed with carefully crafted hypotheses, they devised experiments to test their predictions.
As we look ahead, our Junior STEM club is on the cusp of achieving the ultimate goal of scientific inquiry—testing and drawing conclusions. Next week, they will don the prestigious mantle of Scientific Researchers, ready to validate their hypotheses and unveil the truths hidden within their chosen items.
In the weeks to come, our Junior STEM club will transition into the roles of Botanists and Horticulturists, further expanding their horizons in the world of STEM!