Mrs Thomas (Year 3 Teacher)
In the Junior School, the lunchtime Yoga club has become a haven of serenity and positivity, especially during World Mental Health Week. Beyond its physical aspects, Yoga has been a powerful tool for fostering overall well-being.
This week, we've centred our practice on the theme of happiness. Our Yoga sessions have been a celebration of joy and inner peace. Through poses, relaxation techniques, mindfulness exercises and deep breathing, our girls have enjoyed a calm atmosphere.
While Yoga undoubtedly enhances physical fitness, it's the benefits that have shone this week. As everyone gathered on the mats, each breath became a reminder to stay present and appreciate the beauty of the moment. Physical health and mental health are intertwined and Yoga bridges that connection. The gentle stretches and poses not only enhance flexibility and strength but also encourage self-awareness and self-care.
As World Mental Health Week draws to a close, we carry the lessons from our lunchtime Yoga club with us. We've learned that happiness isn't just a destination; it's an ongoing journey within ourselves. Ultimately, it's not just about the poses or relaxation; it's about finding contentment, balance and harmony in our lives.
As we bid farewell to World Mental Health Week, we carry the lessons of happiness, positivity and the profound benefits of Yoga.