By Mr Stratton (Director of Drama and Dance)
We are pleased to announce our first cohort for the Assistant Dance Teacher Award, which is aimed at 14–18-year-old dance students who wish to take their first steps towards a career in dance teaching.
Under the guidance of Dance Teacher Mrs D'Arcy, Upper Sixth students Nicole Pitter, Erin Schofield Mellor, Gemma Wallington and Lower Sixth student Lily-Amber Robertson, will undertake this Royal Academy of Dance accreditation. This program will help them develop a wide range of practical and professional skills necessary for successful dance teaching.
Mrs D'Arcy, who is an Approved Tutor for this initiative, said: “What interested me about launching the Assistant Teacher Award at BGS was that I already work alongside brilliant young and enthusiastic dance teaching assistants who volunteer their time at lunchtimes and after school. So, why not allow them to follow a program that recognises their achievements? To gain the new RAD's Assistant Teacher Award would be a great feather in their caps and would help with transferable skills for college, university and beyond.”
Gemma Wallington (Upper Sixth) said: “I’ve been helping in dance lessons for a few years, as I initially started for the volunteering section of my DofE Award. I was very excited when I heard about the opportunity of the RAD assistant teaching award at school, as it would be amazing to gain a qualification from something I enjoy so much.”
Erin Schofield Mellor (Upper Sixth) reflected: “This award has allowed me to assist in giving confidence to younger students, be a part of their BGS experience, and help further their technique. I thoroughly enjoy helping the Junior School students perform better and feel more confident in their dances.”
Nicole Pitter (Upper Sixth) added: “I absolutely loved volunteering with the lower grades for my DofE volunteering, and I wanted to further my teaching and communication skills. I saw the teaching assistant award as a wonderful opportunity to do this, and I was extremely eager to participate.”
Lily-Amber Robertson (Lower Sixth) said: “The Award is an amazing opportunity to develop my skills and a brilliant way for Dance to be recognized - the accreditation will be a brilliant addition to my university applications.”