Embracing Everyday Kindness 
Junior School

Mrs Thomas (Year 3 Teacher)

In the spirit of fostering compassion and goodwill, this in the Junior School we have been celebrating World Kindness Day. This special day serves as a powerful reminder that kindness is a language everyone understands and it holds the potential to create positive ripples that extend far beyond the immediate moment.

During this week, we engaged our young learners in discussions about the importance of practising kindness not just on special occasions but each and every day. We explored the various ways we can express kindness towards ourselves, our friends and family, our communities and the wider world.

A highlight of our celebration was the Secret Angel mission undertaken by each class. The girls embraced the challenge of performing small acts of kindness for a secret recipient without being discovered. The excitement in the air is palpable, and the anticipation of spreading joy through these thoughtful actions has our school buzzing with positivity.

Additionally, to visually capture and commemorate the acts of kindness, the girls have been invited to post small hearts detailing their planned or witnessed acts of kindness onto a BGS Wall of Kindness displayed on the library glass wall. This collective display serves as a testament to the positive impact created by our students and reinforces the idea that every small act of kindness contributes to building a more compassionate and caring school community.

We believe in the impact of small acts of kindness, creating ripples that go beyond our classrooms. As our students engage in Secret Angel missions, we anticipate kindness spreading within our school community.

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Embracing Everyday Kindness