Photo: Students Samuel’s Charity – Cecilia, Jeanie, Mahdiyah, Jasmine and Rebecca with Mrs Gibson.
Mrs Arrowsmith (CAS & Service Coordinator)
During the Autumn Term, Year 10 have been taking part in an advocacy programme called Giving Forward, teaching them the important role advocacy can play in supporting a chosen cause.
After the internal heats, six teams were selected to go through to the final – MK Cat Rescue, Samuel’s Charity, King’s Arms Project, Camphill Community MK, Curly Tails and MacIntyre.
The final was held on Tuesday 28th November, the judges, Mrs Gibson (Headmistress) Lucy Bardner (Community Programmes Director at the Harpur Trust), Michaela Martindale (CEO at FACES), myself and Serena Parsons (BGS Service Prefect), had a very difficult decision as all of the groups showed great knowledge and passion in advocating for their chosen charity.
After much discussion and deliberation, the judges awarded the £1000 grant money to Cecilia Linden, Rebecca Lock, Mahdiyah Meghji, Jeanie Morris and Jasmine Murray for their chosen charity, Samuel’s Charity. They had an excellent understanding of the charity and its work, and used the information from the charity to produce a creative and persuasive presentation. The team representing Curly Tails was awarded £250 for their charity.
While the other groups were disappointed not to have won money for their charity, it is equally important that they have raised awareness of their charity and social issues in our community.
Mahdiyah Meghji of the winning team said: “The giving forward initiative was a great experience as it opened our eyes to the number of deserving causes in our own area and showed us that we can all make a difference. Samuel’s Charity does amazing work and I know that the money will make a big difference to children in hospital.”
Thank you to all of the charities who gave their time to support our students and to the students who worked with passion and determination.