By Mrs Lugsden (Head of Art and Textiles)
We were delighted to have taken the Year 9 students to the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) on Thursday 23rd November. After an enjoyable coach trip that allowed us to take in some of London's sights, we arrived at the V&A ready for a day of research. Students were supported by teachers in small groups within the gallery and were given various research activities.
The V&A is the world’s leading museum of art and design, housing a permanent collection of over 2.8 million objects, books, and archives spanning 5,000 years of human creativity.
Students studying Textiles gathered photographs of artefacts exploring surface patterns. Art students aimed to develop a range of pencil studies of faces, while students studying Design Technology explored different products from various design eras. The jewellery exhibition and the plaster cast gallery were particular highlights for students, along with the excitement of seeing the famous Harry Styles cardigan!
After a short lunch break and a visit to the fantastic gallery shop, we headed back to BGS on the coaches. It was an excellent trip, with both staff and students having a great day out. We can’t wait to reflect on all that we collected when we return to the studios.