By Mrs Reeves (Director of Rowing)
Last weekend, over 50 rowers took on their biggest challenge in recent years - a 24 hour ergo with the aim of covering the distance to the Paris Olympic venue and back (approximately 1130 km).
This was a fun and exciting fundraising event for the club that began on the afternoon of Friday 1st December and finished during the festivities in the School Christmas Fayre on Saturday 2nd December 2023.
Although this was a challenging event to raise funds for new boats and equipment, it was also a great opportunity for all members of the BGS rowing community to work together across year groups, making new friends and making some great memories as a team.
We kept as many ergos as possible running throughout the 24-hour period with groups of three taking charge of one ergo for two hours at a time. After their two-hour slot, they had four hours rest before their next slot.
Never a dull moment, our rowers were kept entertained with films, games, and of course the 1am disco! Supported and fuelled by Friends of BGS Boat Club (FBGSBC), including the vital midnight pizza - the rowers completed almost 1206 km! This is a phenomenal feat, and we know that it was both a physical and mental challenge. After some amazing generosity, we are delighted that the current fundraising total stands at £3725.
If you are a current rowing parent, and wish to join FBGSBC, please do email me, or should you wish to donate to the 24 Hour Ergo Challenge, you can follow the link here.
BGS rowers now look forward to some Christmas Holiday training, and a well-deserved Christmas break before they return to school ready for the main part of the winter racing season.
On behalf of our rowers, and all of the coaching team, we would like to take the opportunity to thank all parents, friends and staff who have supported the Boat Club so far this season and wish you all a very Merry Christmas!