By Mrs Londsdale (Sixth Form Pastoral Officer)
What was once a neglected room in the attic of our Sixth Form House is now a zen destination, offering a calm space for our Sixth Form students to decompress. Thanks to a fund donation from The Association (PTA), we embarked on creating the cosy nook, in keeping with our Sixth Form branded colour pops of dusky pink and grey. It is heart-warming to see that students in both the Lower and Upper Sixth are now using the well-being room regularly—an area to escape the hustle of the sometimes-hectic school day and rejuvenate.
We hope that, in time, the well-being room will evolve with new additions and tweaks. One recent addition is a prayer mat to offer a Sixth Form space for prayers. Student well-being is key and is a priority in Sixth Form. With our new dedicated well-being zone, we can facilitate students' wellness and promote a culture of self-care.
Georgina (Lower Sixth) said: “I really enjoy the well-being room; it is very relaxing and helps me calm down after lessons. It’s a really great space, and I am glad it is there for when I need it.”
Mia (Lower Sixth) added: “The well-being room is a calm space for me and my friends to have some downtime away from work, which is really needed.”