With a larger Upper Sixth cohort this year, The Bridge was kept extra-busy during the Autumn Term, with a fifth-more UCAS applications being sent off to universities all over the country than in previous years.
With the majority submitted by the end of term, nearly a third of applicants had heard back from all five of their choices prior to Christmas – a great motivator to prepare for the mock exams immediately after the holiday.
Once again, students have chosen an incredibly broad range of subjects, including Agriculture, Biochemistry, Classics, Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Digital Media, Actuarial Mathematics, Law, Games Design, Linguistics, Fine Art, Technical Theatre, Psychology, International Relations, Business, Marine Biology, Land Economy, Aerospace Engineering, Textile Design, Acting, German and Management, Architecture, Sport Science, Veterinary Medicine and Philosophy, Politics and Economics, to name but a few.
Mrs Whitlock (Head of The Bridge Careers Service) said: “This cohort of Upper Sixth students have done themselves, and the school proud, not only with their excellent time management, but in their planning, research and decision-making; all skills that will serve them well beyond university as they go into the workplace. I have been impressed with the maturity that students have used in selecting courses that are a mix of the challenging and ambitious, as well as those that represent a good plan B. This allows applicants to keep their options open when it comes to making firm and insurance choices, and align these with their academic progress over the coming months, as they finish their studies and polish their exam technique.
“As ever, it's bittersweet getting ready to say goodbye to our Upper Sixth, but before then, we will continue to support the students during the remainder of the school year, including offering advice on making firm and insurance choices, applying for student finance, and being ready for living away from home. Our Lower Sixth students will also soon be starting their own university application journeys with the Higher Education afternoon and evening next month. Preparation in Lower Sixth underpins well-informed choices in Upper Sixth: as ever, we will follow the progress of all our Sixth Form students with great interest, and wish them every success whichever direction they take.”