By Mrs Reilly (Year 5 Teacher)
On Monday 28th April, Creative Days ran an Art workshop for Year 5, supporting our Unit of Inquiry Sharing the Planet. The aim of the workshop was to explore sculptural possibilities of plastic milk bottles in response to sustainability and plastic pollution.
The girls began by looking at how artists offer their audience a different view of the world through their art and how art can be created from anything, including something as mundane as a milk bottle! Its familiarity offered a curious starting point and as they looked more closely at its features, they investigated different ways of dissecting the bottles and manipulating the plastic to create curious forms and shapes. Their challenge was to create a sea creature from their imagination. This required exploration, experimentation and significant problem solving. The biggest challenge of all was persevering and trusting the creative journey which every single pupil did.
Philippa McDonald who ran the workshop said: “I left feeling ignited by the creativity they all demonstrated and how many truly excelled.”
Immy (Year 5) said: “I loved how everything was up to us and we could do anything with the milk bottle. It is a great way to have fun, recycle and make a beautiful piece of artwork. I would definitely recommend trying this at home.”
Dua (Year 5) added: “Making our own creatures with just milk bottles lit up my imagination to the next level and Philippa had shared these great techniques with us, which I used such as curling the string to have a better finishing touch. This art workshop was really fun and I was really busy doing my own things!”