Light and Sound Festival
Junior School

By Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)

On Friday 24th May, Year 3 dazzled the school community with their Light and Sound Festival, showcasing their learning journey through the central idea: An organisation's success is determined by their effective use of communication. This event was a demonstration of how effective communication can create successful and memorable experiences. The festival featured a variety of interactive stands, from Glow Dance Parties, Yoga, Musical Statues, Shadow puppetry to a Science Arcade, each illustrating the Lines of Inquiry explored during the unit.

Several stands showcased the importance of communication within an organisation. The girls worked together to communicate effectively, fostering a positive working environment and using interactive strategies to achieve success.

Throughout the festival, our girls showcased essential IB PYP skills such as being inquirers, risk-takers, and open-minded individuals. They asked thoughtful questions, explored new ideas and embraced diverse perspectives, reflecting their growth and development over the course of the unit.

The Year 3 Light and Sound Festival was a wonderful end-of-unit celebration that showcased the importance of good communication. With their creative stands and engaging activities, Year 3 demonstrated how clear and responsible communication contributes to successful organisation. We are incredibly proud of their achievements and look forward to seeing how these young communicators will continue to shine in the future.

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Light and Sound Festival