Serena Tops Competition
Whole School Computer Science

We are exceptionally proud of Serena Jacob, an aspiring computer scientist and Lower Sixth student, who placed first in the Minds Underground STEM Essay competition.

Aimed at students in the Lower Sixth, the competition provides an opportunity to undertake university-level research, hone their scientific writing and argumentative skills, and prepare for university interviews. Serena chose to enter the Computer Science category with her essay entitled: ‘Explore the ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and discuss its impact on society and daily life.’

Serena commented: “I competed against over 3,700 students internationally and entered the competition because the essay question genuinely interested me. Artificial Intelligence has always been a field that fascinates me, especially with the incredible advancements we've seen recently.

“The opportunity to explore the ethical implications of AI and its impact on society and daily life was both challenging and rewarding. I'm thrilled to have been recognised for my work in an area I am so passionate about.”

Dr Tansell (Head of Computer Science) said: “Serena's achievement in the Minds Underground STEM Essay competition is a testament to her dedication, intellectual curiosity and passion for Computer Science. Her insightful exploration of the ethical implications of artificial intelligence demonstrates a profound understanding of the field and its societal impact. I am incredibly proud of Serena and look forward to her future contributions to the world of technology.”

A huge congratulations to Serena!

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Serena Tops Competition