Lake District Ready!
Whole School Duke of Edinburgh (DofE)

By Dr Howe (DofE Manager)

On the evening of Tuesday 28th May, the BGS minibus rolled into Horton for an overnight stay in the Bunkhouse. An evening of heavy rain and low cloud cover meant no glimpses of the Yorkshire three Peaks and lots of wrapping up of kit to ensure all was ready for the next day.

The practice walk began at Chapel-le Firth with both groups being taught navigational techniques to ensure they were trained and competent for the assessed expedition. They picked up the skills quickly and were then supervised remotely to put them into action. A couple of errors made, but students arrived safely in camp, pitched tents and cooked supper under a rainbow.

On the second day students' fitness was put to the test, with a longer walk across the remote Fountains Fell to Malham. A lovely day of sunny spells highlighting the stunning greenery and Yorkshire limestone crags. Both groups worked extremely well, with team members supporting each other along the way.

The final day ended in the sunshine of Grassington with both groups finishing in very good time. They are an impressive cohort and we look forward to the challenges of the qualifying expedition in the Lake District.

Finally, my thanks go to Lynda Sadler and Oliver Bowden for ensuring the smooth running of this trip.

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Lake District Ready!