Speak Out, Stay Safe
Junior School

By Miss Coote (Year 6 Teacher)

On Monday morning, Year 5 and Year 6 had an invaluable session with the NSPCC, learning about their Speak Out, Stay Safe campaign.

We were introduced to Buddy, their speech bubble mascot, and engaged in discussions about the fundamental right of every child to feel safe. The session covered the various types of abuse children may face and emphasised the importance of identifying safe adults to talk to, both within and outside school. Additionally, we learned about Childline and how to contact them if we ever feel worried or need to talk.

The session greatly resonated with our girls, aligning with the IB learner profile attributes of being caring, knowledgeable, and open-minded. Tilly from 6C said: “I found it really informative and helpful - I now know the number for Childline and that I can use it at any time (even at Christmas!).”

This experience has empowered our girls with the knowledge and resources to seek help and support, reinforcing their understanding of safety and well-being.

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Speak Out, Stay Safe