Birthmark Awareness Assembly
Junior School

By Tilly, Emmy and Miss Coote (Year 6 Teacher)

We are excited to share a special event happening at our school to raise awareness about birthmarks. As students in 6C with personal experiences, we are passionate about educating our peers and the school community.

On Monday 17th June, we presented an assembly discussing birthmarks, including the different types, possible laser treatments, and respectful ways to talk about someone's birthmark. One interesting fact we learned was that some types of birthmarks changed colour to a dark purple if we are cold or ill. Our goal was to foster understanding and compassion among students and celebrate the uniqueness of each individual.

Next week, we are going to be hosting a Birthmark Awareness Day on Friday 28th June. We will have posters around the school giving people information about birthmarks and a lunchtime stall where girls can have a red heart painted on their hand to show support and raise awareness. We were inspired to include this activity because we want to inform people and show people that they are not alone! Participation in these activities is optional, but we hope many students will join in to learn and show their support for us and everyone else affected by birthmarks.

We believe this initiative will help promote a more understanding environment within our school community. We hope that by sharing our stories, we can show people that everyone is amazing in their own way and to love yourself. Your support in encouraging empathy and awareness is greatly appreciated!

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Birthmark Awareness Assembly