Fiddle Fiesta
Whole School Music

By Mrs Jones (Music Teacher)

The Senior School Assembly Hall was alive with musical energy and youthful enthusiasm as it hosted the much-anticipated Fiddle Fiesta on Monday 1st July. This vibrant event brought together young musicians from Years 2 to to Upper Sixth, nurturing musical talent across all age groups.

The hour-long concert featuring six expertly arranged pieces. These arrangements, crafted by local musicians, were designed to showcase the abilities of students at every level. From beginners in Year 2 to accomplished players in the Upper Sixth, every participant had the chance to shine, creating an inclusive and supportive atmosphere.

A standout feature of the concert was the performances by two soloists, Eleni Zorn (Upper Sixth and Simone Erwig (Year 7). Their beautiful renditions captivated the audience and set a high standard for their peers. Eleni’s performance was a masterclass in technical skill and emotive expression, while Simone’s lyrical and effortless playing left a lasting impression. 

Under the expert direction of David Knight and Jan Kaznowski, the concert blended the talents of students from 16 local schools. This event, also supported by eight staff members from the Bedfordshire Music Cooperative, highlighted the strong tradition of string playing in the county. 

The evening was the first of three such events scheduled to take place across Bedford in the coming weeks. These concerts provide every string player in the area with the opportunity to showcase their learning in a fun, family-friendly environment. 

The concert opened with a lively ensemble piece that brought together all the performers, setting a joyful and welcoming tone. Each subsequent piece showcased different sections of the orchestra, allowing students of various skill levels to take the spotlight. The diverse repertoire, ranging from classical to contemporary, kept the audience engaged and highlighted the versatility of the young musicians.

The finale brought all the musicians together for Sweet Caroline, filling the hall with a wonderful sound enjoyed by everyone, leading to an encore. The applause that followed showed the hard work of the students and their mentors. The Fiddle Fiesta was more than just a concert; it was a celebration of community, collaboration and the joy of making music.

Congratulations to all involved, and we look forward to hosting this inspiring event again next year!

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Fiddle Fiesta