Mindful Choices
Junior School

By Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)

This week, our Year 3 girls embarked on an exciting journey to understand their responsibilities in sharing limited resources with other living things. Guided by the central idea, An investigation into how human choices impact the natural world, the girls explored three key Lines of Inquiry:

The real ways our choices make a difference in the world around us (Form).

The consequences of our choices on interconnected ecosystems (Causation).

Positive behaviours can contribute to the long-term sustainability of our environment (Change).

To bring these concepts to life, the girls applied their Design Technology skills in a practical and engaging project. They learned to prepare ingredients hygienically using appropriate utensils, measure ingredients accurately to the nearest gram, follow a recipe and assemble or cook ingredients, including controlling the temperature of the oven or hob.

We asked the girls to think about how eating sustainably can impact our choices and the environment. To practise their skills, each girl was tasked with making a bread roll at home using weighed-out ingredients. On Wednesday, they brought their homemade bread rolls to school, where they made delicious sandwiches using locally sourced eggs from Molly in 3M and home-grown cress. The highlight was making egg mayonnaise and cress sandwiches. 

By making sandwiches with locally sourced ingredients, they enjoyed creating something both sustainable and delicious, highlighting the value of mindful choices in everyday life.

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Mindful Choices