Preparing for Senior School
Junior School

By Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)

Year 6 have had a fantastic start to the new school year! The girls have enjoyed getting to know each other and making new friends within their new classes. In addition to the usual lessons with their class teachers, they have been very excited to start their specialist lessons with Senior School teachers. Their very first Senior School lesson was MFL – in Year 6, they learn a variety of languages, including French, Spanish, German, and Classics (Latin). Since then, we have enjoyed several Science lessons in the Senior School labs, as well as Drama, Music, Games, Dance, Design Technology, Food Technology, and Textiles lessons.

Introducing a number of specialist lessons on our Senior School site is an excellent way for Year 6 to begin preparing for their move to the Senior School in Year 7. Getting to know their way around the site and becoming familiar with some of the Senior School teachers is an important part of our transition process. They are relishing the challenges that these new subjects bring!

Nellie B said: "It is really fun to have more independence and lessons in different rooms."

Alina G commented: "I really like it as we have more experience of the Senior School. I am enjoying the variety of lessons."

Eva D added: "It is exciting that we have started building up to Year 7 already."

Florence L reflected: "I am really enjoying the Senior School lessons as they are really inclusive and fun. I like studying all the new subjects!"

Laina B said: "It is really fun meeting new teachers in the Senior School – they are all really nice!"

I have been so impressed with the maturity shown by our new Year 6 cohort. The girls have shown they are organised and have truly embraced the challenges that life in a busy Year 6 brings!

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Preparing for Senior School