From Garden to Kitchen
Junior School The Green Kitchen

By Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)

We are thrilled to have kick-started our ever-popular Gardening Club this week at the Junior School!

After a summer filled with growth and activity in the garden, we were kept very busy. The girls were delighted to harvest a wonderful selection of vegetables, including carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and squash. We were very excited to present our harvest to Mrs Tombs (Catering Manager) and Mr Clark (Sous Chef) in the Green Kitchen, who will be including our produce in school dinners over the coming days.

In addition to harvesting, our enthusiastic gardeners also tidied up the garden area, clearing leaves and weeds, and making sure everything was well-watered. It was fantastic to see so many new members joining this year, eager to get involved and contribute to the garden’s success.

We have plenty of exciting plans for the rest of the term, including planting new crops and making some exciting Christmas gifts. The Gardening Club is a fantastic way for the girls to learn about nature, teamwork, and sustainability, and we look forward to sharing more of our garden’s progress in the coming weeks.

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From Garden to Kitchen