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Whole School Performing Arts

By Mr Stratton (Director of Drama and Dance)

As we approach the third week of rehearsals for our upcoming production of Les Misérables, it is incredible to see the talent, professionalism and sheer dedication of our students. Set to take the stage from the 27th-30th of November at The Quarry Theatre, the cast, drawn from across our school and our collaborative partners at Bedford School, are demonstrating not only a passion for performance but a camaraderie that is truly needed for such an ensemble lead performance.

The rehearsal process is incredible to watch, from powerful ensemble pieces to stunning solo numbers, to which the students have thrown themselves into the challenge. Emily Renfrew who plays Little Eponine commented: “Les Mis is so much fun so far and rehearsals are something I look forward to every day. I love being able to sing with a group of people who are so talented and having amazing teachers to direct us through it all. I can’t wait for the show because I think it is going to be incredible and so much fun. We have all worked so hard and it is only the second week! It’s great that we get to work at Bedford School as well because we get to meet new people and hang out with people that share the same interests as you.”

Our collaboration with Bedford School has added a new dimension to the production, bringing together students who might otherwise not have had the chance to work alongside each other. This experience of sharing talents and perspectives is an invaluable part of their growth, both as performers and as individuals. Lily Roberston who plays Madame Thenardier said: “I knew before rehearsals began that being a part of the 2024 production of Les Misérables would be so much fun. Every week I look forward to our rehearsals and I’m loving playing both Madame Thenardier and varying roles in the ensemble! The process is already challenging me and each rehearsal I look forward to a new one. I’m so excited for the upcoming few months and, of course, I can’t wait for show week, the buzz and excitement are indescribable. I thoroughly enjoy working with the Bedford School cast members and have made great friends.”

We are only just beginning this exciting journey, but already it is clear that this production will be something truly special. As the days pass, I am convinced that our audience is in for a spectacular show. Tickets are now on sale, and I encourage you to join us for what promises to be an unforgettable week of theatre.

Don’t miss out on witnessing the extraordinary talent and teamwork that is making Les Misérables come to life! Book your ticket here.

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