Autumn Reunions
Whole School Alumnae

Last weekend we hosted our annual Dame Alice Harpur School reunion in the glorious sunshine, welcoming lots of former students, spanning 63 years (1945-2008), back into school for tea, cakes and tours. 

We always enjoy welcoming past students back into school and it is wonderful to see old friends reconnect and friendships cherished. The Classes of 1984 and 1994 also enjoyed mini reunions, amidst the main gathering, as part of their milestone celebrations. Our friendly and hospitable students on hand (Gracie, Lily, Megan, Holly, Shazmin, Hania, Lena and Sahana) ensured that all our guests were able to tour the school and see all the latest developments. The students always enjoy meeting our alumnae and sharing stories from each other’s school days. 

Next year’s Dame Alice Harpur School reunion for all eras will take place on Saturday 13th September 2025, 2.00-5.00pm. We are always delighted to organise alumnae events throughout the year, so please do get in touch if you are keen to arrange a celebration [email protected].

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Autumn Reunions