V&A Sparks Creativity
Sixth Form Art & Textiles

By Mrs Lugsden (Head of Art)

On Wednesday 18th September, our Year 11 Textiles students and Lower Sixth IB Diploma Visual Arts students visited one of London’s most iconic museums, the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), to explore its rich and diverse exhibits.

The V&A is the world’s leading museum of art and design, housing a permanent collection of over 2.8 million objects, books and archives spanning 5,000 years of human creativity.

Year 11 Textiles students had an amazing time at the museum, exploring a vast range of cultural artefacts. They visited several galleries, including those dedicated to jewellery, stained glass, and theatre and performance. The students gathered valuable visual information that will inform their independent research, adding depth and richness to their personal enquiries.

Meanwhile, the Lower Sixth IB Diploma Visual Arts students focused on the theme of Identity, gathering resources and insights on the cultural context of portraiture and depictions of the human form. Their research will be instrumental in supporting the development of their independent enquiries.

It was a brilliant day out, providing inspiration and a springboard for creative development over the coming weeks.

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V&A Sparks Creativity