Celebrating Languages
Senior School MFL

By Mme Helm (Head of MFL)

This week, our Assembly Hall was filled with enthusiasm as we celebrated the European Day of Languages. On Monday, Years 7 and 8 took part, followed by Years 9 and 10 on Friday, marking the official day on Thursday 26th September. We recognised the many languages spoken within our school community by both staff and students.

During the assemblies, teachers from outside the Modern Foreign Languages department shared the languages they know, inviting students to guess both the language and the member of staff speaking. Students enjoyed discovering the unexpected linguistic talents of their teachers and accompanists. From Italian to Polish, the event highlighted the linguistic diversity of our community, particularly within the mathematics department. We’d like to thank Madame Hosking and all the guest linguists for organising such an engaging quiz.

The celebration wasn’t just about the languages taught in school or spoken by our staff but also about recognising the home languages spoken by many of our students. It was a chance to highlight Year 11 students like Mia, Mirna, and Bana, who recently completed their GCSEs - Mia in Mandarin Chinese; and Mirna and Bana in Arabic. We also recognised other students, past and present, who have taken early GCSE or A-level exams in languages such as Russian, Urdu, Turkish and Persian. These home languages add great value to our school community.

We are proud of our commitment to fostering a love for languages and celebrating the cultures they represent. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the European Day of Languages and helped celebrate the linguistic diversity of our community. If you’re considering adding a home language to your GCSE portfolio and would like more information on timing and specifications, please get in touch.

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Celebrating Languages