Isabelle Donates Hair
Junior School Charity

By Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)

We are incredibly proud of Isabelle (Year 4) who made a truly generous and thoughtful decision over the summer holidays. After careful reflection and planning, Isabelle decided to cut her hair and donate it to The Little Princess Trust, an organisation that provides real hair wigs to children and young people who have lost their hair due to cancer or other conditions.

Isabelle, who had been growing her hair with this goal in mind, explained: “I just really wanted to help people who lost their hair.” Her kindness and maturity at such a young age are truly inspiring to us all.

The Little Princess Trust relies on donations like Isabelle's to make a real difference to the lives of those in need, and we are so proud of her for taking the initiative to support such a worthy cause. Isabelle's act of kindness not only shows her caring nature but also reminds us all of the positive impact we can make when we think of others.

Well done, Isabelle! You’ve set a wonderful example for everyone in our school community. You embody our values of being Bold and Reflective!

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Isabelle Donates Hair