RSPB Eco Watch
Junior School Eco and Sustainability

By Mrs Whomsley (Eco Coordinator)

Our Junior School Eco Club has once again participated in the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch this year, an initiative that helps monitor bird populations across the UK. 

Using the RSPB bird spotting guides, the Eco Club gathered in the garden behind Burnaby House to count and identify the various bird species we share our environment with. We were joined by our Senior School GLG Representative, Deeksha, who supports the Junior School pupils in their weekly club.

Our Eco Club supports this activity every year as it is not only crucial for contributing data to the RSPB’s efforts in tracking bird populations. As well as being a fantastic opportunity to spark curiosity about nature by encouraging our pupils to learn more about the birds around them, it also fosters greater awareness and appreciation for the natural world. After submitting our results, we were able to compare our findings with data from previous years, helping us spot trends and changes over time.

Please join in at home by joining the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, which runs this weekend from 24–26 January.

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RSPB Eco Watch