A Theatrical Treat
Senior School Performing Arts

By Ms Emberson (Drama Teacher and Head of PSHE)

The Drama Department took Years 7 and 8 to the National Theatre to see an adaptation of Noel Streatfield's beloved novel Ballet Shoes on Tuesday 28th January. 

The story of three adopted Fossil sisters and their exploits at the Children’s Academy of Dancing and Stage Training, as they try fulfil their vow to 'distinguish their name' while simultaneously saving the family from financial ruin, in the absence of Great Uncle Matthew, their palaeontologist benefactor. The Fossil sisters' various talents of acting, dancing and aircraft mechanics were as relatable and endearing to the BGS girls, as they would have been to previous generations of mothers and Grandmothers who have loved the novel since it was first published in 1936.  

The performance combined a breathtaking and versatile set, with outstanding costumes, and a perfect balance between suspense and comedy performances. A particular highlight was the dress rehearsal of an avant-garde performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream with the most outlandish costumes and exhilarating aerial work. Throughout the show dancing complemented the action, as we witnessed how hard work, and dedication played a vital role in allowing the sisters to fulfil their dreams.  

The students' evident enjoyment of the show, and mature and responsible behaviour made this trip a real joy, and the Drama Department are looking forward to taking them to the theatre again in the not-too-distant future.  

Mrs O'Rouke (Dance Teacher) said: "The dance was a beautiful blend of physical theatre and traditional ballet with a contemporary twist." 

Chiara Richards (Year 8) reflected: "I found the drama show really aspirational. I enjoyed how all the characters evolved into the best versions of theirselves. When Petrova flew up into the air on her wings after being shy on stage it was like she was new person, however she found away to forget about being scared and instead became confident almost like the transition from a caterpillar to a butterfly."

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A Theatrical Treat