By Miss Harris (Head of Rowing)
On Sunday 9th February, 80 rowers took part in Bedford 4s and 8s Head. Despite the chilly and overcast day, the rowers wrapped up warm and enjoyed their racing, bringing home an impressive 19 pots.
For the J14s this was their second ever race - and their first independently. They had great support from the bank and rose to the challenge admirably. Well done especially to Maya Watt, Harriet Yuille, Sophia Howard, and Sylvia Thompson for their first time racing in the coxing seat.
For Year 10 and upwards a home race like this offers the opportunity for us to try lots of different combinations, with most rowers doubled up and many tripled up over the five divisions of racing that we took part in.
As the students are very familiar with the course it provides a fair assessment of the combinations as well as being a chance to practice racing at full intensity multiple times in a day.
View photos here.