By Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)
This term, Year 5 girls have been using their creativity and imagination to explore the central idea: People provide services and goods based on community wants and needs and available resources.
Through an exciting blend of Scientific inquiry and Design Technology, they have investigated Forces and applied their newfound knowledge of measuring, sawing, and gluing to help them to design and construct transportation devices aimed at solving real-world community challenges. Whether addressing issues on a national or international scale, the girls have thoughtfully considered the impact of their designs, reflecting on sustainability and efficiency in their creations.
A highlight of the week was a visit from a local community member who founded A Library of Things, a charity promoting sustainability and equality by loaning out useful items for a minimal charge. This inspiring initiative encouraged the girls to think deeply about how small changes can make a big difference.
Alongside their work in-school, they have also been working on their active iInquiry homework, designing plans to tackle local community issues such as improving connections between generations and raising awareness about environmental concerns, such as littering and graffiti. It has been truly inspiring to see their ideas come to life as they consider how their learning can contribute to real-world solutions.