Making a Difference Together
Whole School Community

By Sonia Erwig (Lower Sixth)

We are currently running a food collection for Bedford Foodbank, affiliated with the national charity, the Trussell Trust, as part of our campaign to raise awareness about food insecurity in our local community.

Bedford Foodbank is dedicated to providing emergency food and compassionate, dignified support to individuals and families facing crisis. The charity works in partnership with referral agencies to supply at least three days’ worth of essential food and provisions to those in need. Last year, The Trussell Trust foodbanks across the UK distributed food over 1.3 million times to individuals struggling with food poverty.

Your donations will make a significant difference to those in need. The collection will run until Wednesday, the 12th of March. This year, we ask that students drop off their contributions at the back of the balcony in the Assembly Hall, in the designated boxes.

Suggested Items to donate:

  • Tinned Meat
  • Tinned Tuna
  • Jars of Jam
  • Tinned Fruit
  • Cup a Soup
  • Long Life Fruit Juice
  •  Long Life Sponge Puddings
  • Coffee
  •  Long Life Milk
  • Tin Openers

Food insecurity is a growing issue, and one that is extremely prevalent in our local community as figures show that 17% of Bedford residents (32,373 people) suffered from food insecurity in 2021.

Thank you for your support in helping those facing food insecurity. Your donations will make a difference to those in our local community.

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Making a Difference Together